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Last updated on 2020-08-20Conference > Program > Track B

Track B 

Updated Tue Jul 8 12:58:38 CEST 2014

Tuesday 10.00–12.00 AUD2

Chair: Javier Esparza

  1. 10:00 Thomas Place and Marc Zeitoun. Going higher in the First-order Quantifier Alternation Hierarchy on Words
  2. 10:25 Jean Christoph Jung, Carsten Lutz, Sergey Goncharov and Lutz Schröder. Monodic Fragments of Probabilistic First-order Logic
  3. 10:50 Mikolaj Bojanczyk, Tomasz Gogacz, Henryk Michalewski and Michal Skrzypczak. On the decidability of MSO+U on infinite trees
  4. 11:15 Mikolaj Bojanczyk. Weak MSO+U with Path Quantifiers over Infinite Trees
  5. 11:40 Daniel Bundala and Joel Ouaknine. On the Complexity of Temporal-Logic Path Checking

Tuesday 13.00–14.35 AUD2

Chair: James Worrell

  1. 13:00 Egor Derevenetc and Roland Meyer. Robustness against Power is PSpace-complete
  2. 13:25 Michael Blondin, Alain Finkel and Pierre McKenzie. Handling Infinitely Branching WSTS
  3. 13:50 Petr Jancar. Bisimulation Equivalence and Semantic Finiteness of First-Order Grammars
  4. 14:15 Qiang Yin, Yuxi Fu, Chaodong He, Mingzhang Huang and Xiuting Tao. Branching Bisimilarity Checking for PRS

Tuesday 15.00–16.35 AUD2

Chair: Joel Ouaknine

  1. 15:00 Namit Chaturvedi. Toward a Structure Theory of Regular Infinitary Trace Languages
  2. 15:25 Andrea Cerone, Alexey Gotsman and Hongseok Yang. Parameterised Linearisability
  3. 15:50 Radha Jagadeesan and James Riely. Between Linearizability and Quiescent Consistency: Quantitative Quiescent Consistency
  4. 16:15 Yuval Emek, Jochen Seidel and Roger Wattenhofer. Computability in Anonymous Networks: Revocable vs. Irrecovable Outputs

Wednesday 10.00–12.00 AUD2

Chair: Laurent Doyen

  1. 10:00 (BEST STUDENT PAPER) Michael Wehar. Hardness Results for Intersection Non-Emptiness
  2. 10:25 Stefan Kiefer and Björn Wachter. Stability and Complexity of Minimising Probabilistic Automata
  3. 10:50 Dmitry Chistikov and Rupak Majumdar. Unary Pushdown Automata and Straight-Line Programs
  4. 11:15 Manfred Droste and Vitaly Perevoshchikov. A Nivat Theorem for Weighted Timed Automata and Weighted Relative Distance Logic
  5. 11:40 Mikolaj Bojanczyk. Transducers with origin information

Wednesday 13.00–14.35 AUD2

Chair: Petr Jancar

  1. 13:00 Joel Ouaknine and James Worrell. On the Positivity Problem for Simple Linear Recurrence Sequences
  2. 13:25 (BEST PAPER) Joel Ouaknine and James Worrell. Ultimate Positivity is Decidable for Simple Linear Recurrence Sequences
  3. 13:50 Krishnendu Chatterjee and Laurent Doyen. Games with a Weak Adversary
  4. 14:15 Krishnendu Chatterjee and Rasmus Ibsen-Jensen. The Complexity of Ergodic Mean-payoff Games

Thursday 10.00–12.00 AUD2

Chair: Mikolaj Bojanczyk

  1. 10:00 Artur Jez. Context unification is in PSPACE
  2. 10:25 Chris Heunen. Piecewise Boolean Algebras and their Domains
  3. 10:50 Marcello Bonsangue, Jurriaan Rot, Davide Ancona, Frank De Boer and Jan Rutten. A Coalgebraic Foundation for Coinductive Union Types
  4. 11:15 Sergey Goncharov and Dirk Pattinson. Coalgebraic Weak Bisimulation from Recursive Equations over Monads
  5. 11:40 Jerzy Marcinkowski and Tomasz Gogacz. All-instances termination of chase is undecidable

Thursday 13.00–14.35 AUD2

Chair: Luca Aceto

  1. 13:00 Damiano Mazza. Non-Uniform Polytime Computation in the Infinitary Affine Lambda-Calculus
  2. 13:25 Dexter Kozen and Konstantinos Mamouras. Kleene Algebra with Equations
  3. 13:50 Alex Borello, Julien Cervelle and Pascal Vanier. Turing degrees of limit sets of cellular automata
  4. 14:15 Jason Bell, Janusz Brzozowski, Nelma Moreira and Rogério Reis. Symmetric Groups and Quotient Complexity of Boolean Operations

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